Easy Automations

Feature release campaign for Keap

I led a campaign to launch Keap’s newest game-changing feature: Easy Automations. For 20 years, most of Keap’s customers were ‘power users’ who built complex campaigns or paid others to do so. Now, Keap built an intuitive way for ‘non-techies’ to build critical automations. By following a When/Then format and offering preset templates, creating automations is easier than ever.



  • Grab attention from prospects and customers

  • Convey value and benefit of Easy Automations

  • Enhance the Keap brand with upscaled animation

  • See increased Prospects and Opportunities from feature launch

  • Create Partner buzz around the launch

My role

  • Creative Director and leadership over feature video, product visuals, nurtures, and rollout.

  • In collaboration with Director of Product Marketing and Creative Jake Johnson, Demand Generation team, and Product team

  • Completed In-house: Animation by Brandon Clute

With Easy Automations, you finally have time to save time.

Full Ad (30 seconds)


Ad distribution

We ran dozens of ads across paid social and programmatic display networks, to distribute the campaign while A/B testing visuals and messaging.


Paid Landing Page


We sent paid ad traffic to our targeted landing page, which was the result of iterative message testing of four variants—with over 270 users who represented our target customer—via UserTesting. Key messages to get across included:

  • The campaign hook—“You finally have time to save time”

  • New category creation strategy—“Sales and Marketing Automation”

  • Winning CTAs that reduce barrier to entry on taking a demo

  • The benefits of ease and time savings metrics

  • Specific use cases of Easy Automations (finding from user testing)

  • What else Keap offers (finding from user testing)


Paid Landing Page Variants

For testing purposes, I created additional landing pages. Designing alternatives to the main landing page allows us to cultivate a test and learn mentality across the team and apply our insights to this campaign (and others).




💰 Increased prospects and opportunities

🎉 Positive customer sentiment

🤝 Won partner support and partner sales


More brand and marketing: